Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Hi there my name is Bailey! I am from Kettlecorn, Kansas. If you've been to Kettlepot you've driven right through it! I have a lot of friends, Cody, Zack, Woody, Marcus! They are all so kind. And Marcus has a crush on my roomate.
I have a filthy rich roomate who never wants to be my friend and hates all of my friends and ran away the second day of the cruise because she had to share a room with me. She thinks i have bad clothing, but she is the one who is horrible! She says that clothes, my grammy MADE WITH HER BARE HANDS are horrible. This was our conversation:

London- Why do you have such horrid clothes?
Bailey- Hey, London, my Grammy made this for me!
London- So tell us, why does old Grammy hate you?

I think she is horrible, but i really want us to be friends and she just wants to get off the boat. She even made me a bedroom on THE ROOF, and i had a bent spine for 3 days, it still hurt for another 2 days. But i REALLY want us to be friends and it hurts when she tells me my clothing is rubbish or anything.     

So hello World, that is a little about me!

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